Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015

-3,...,,_.,,.,.,....,...,.. DESIGN + CONSTRUCTION

I. No Interference: If it becomes necessary to remove and restack materials to avoid impeding the progress of any part of the work or interferingwith the work to be done by any trade subcontractor, the Contractor shall remove and restack such materials at no additional cost to the City.


Contractor's Construction Superintendent: The Contractor shall devote its time and personal attention to the work and shall employ and retain at the project site, from the commencement until the entire completion of the work, a Contractor's Construction Superintendent. The Contractor's Construction Superintendent shall be registeredwith the New York City Department of Buildings in compliancewith the Construction Superintendent Rule of the City of New York and shall be competent and capable of maintaining proper supervision and care of the work and shall be acceptable to the Commissioner. The Construction Superintendent shall, in the absence of the Contractor, and irrespective of any superintendent or foreman employed by any subcontractor, shall see that the instructions of the Commissioner are carried out. B. Replacement: The Contractor's Construction Superintendent on the job shall not be changed or removed without the consent of the Commissioner. Line and Grade: The City will establish a baseline and bench mark near the site of the work for use of the Contractor in connectionwith the performanceof the work. B. Responsibility: The Contractor shall establish all other lines and elevations required for its work and shall be solely responsiblefor the accuracy thereof. C. Safeguard All Points: The Contractor shall safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks and bench marks made or established by the Contractor on the work, shall re-establish same if disturbed and bear the entire expense of rectifying the work improperly installed due to not maintaining, not protecting or removingwithout authorization such established points, stakes, or marks. D. City Monuments and Markers: No work shall be performed near City monuments or marks so as to disturb them until the said monuments or marks have been referenced or reset or otherwise disposed of by the relevant Agency or party who installed them. E. Foundations: The Contractor shall furnish certification from a licensed Surveyor that all portions of the foundation work are located in accordance with the Contract Drawings and at the elevations required thereby. This certification shall show the actual locations and the actual elevations of all the work in relation to the locations and elevations shown on the Contract Drawings, including but not restricted to the following: 1. The locationsand elevations of all piles, if any. 2. Elevations of tops of all spread footings, tops of pile caps, and tops of all foundation walls, elevator pit walls and ramp walls. 3. Location of all footing centers and pier centers including those for exterior wall columns. 4. Location of all foundation walls includingwall columns, elevator pit walls and ramp walls. F. Wall Lines: After the first courses of masonry or stone have been laid, the Contractor shall establish the permanent lines of exterior walls. The Contractor shall furnish promptly, certification from a licensed Surveyor, in the form of signed original drawings showing the exact location of such wall lines, of all portions of all structures. Except at its own risk, the Contractor shall not proceed further with the erection of walls until the Surveyor's certification has been submitted and verified for correct location of wall lines. REFER TO THE ADDENDUM FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF SUB-SECTION 3.3


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