Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DOC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015



G. Surveyor: The Surveyor selected for any of the purposes mentioned in Paragraph E and Paragraph F above, and Paragraph I below, shall be a land Surveyor licensed in the State of New York and shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner. The Surveyor shall not be a regular employee of the Contractor, nor shall the Surveyor have any interest in the Contract. The Surveyor shall not be employed by the Contractor in laying out any work, it being intended that the Surveyor's certification shall represent an independent and disinterested verification of such layout. The Surveyor shall report to the Department of Design and Construction's Resident Engineer each time upon arrival to and departure from the site and reviewwith the Resident Engineer the data required for the project. H. Final Certification: Final certification shall be submitted upon completion of the work or upon completion of any subdivision of the work as directed by the Commissioner. Any exceptions or deviations from the drawings shall be noted on the final certificate and there shall be included any maps, plates, notes, pertinent documents and data necessary, in the opinion of the Commissioner, to constitute a full and complete report. I. Final Survey: The Contractor shall submit to DOC for submission to the Department of Buildings a final Survey by the licensed Surveyor showing the location of the new Structure, before completion of the Structure. This Survey shall show the location of the first tier of beams or of the first floor; the finish grades of the open spaces on the plot; the established curb level and the location of all other Structures on the plan, together with the location and boundaries of the lot or plot upon which the Structure is constructed, curb cuts, all yard dimensions, etc. The work of this article shall be the responsibility of the Contractor unless otherwise indicated. B. Reference Drawings: The Boring Drawings as listed on the title sheet are for information to the bidder and are to be used under the conditions as follows: 1. Boring Logs: shown on the Boring Drawings, record information obtained under engineering supervision in the course of exploration carried out by or under the direction of forces of the Department of Design and Construction at the site. 2. Soils and Rock Samples: All inferences are drawn from the indications observed as made by engineering and scientific personnel. All such inferences and all records of the work including soil samples and rock cores, if any, are available to bidders for inspection. 3. Certification of Samples: The City certifies that the work was carried out as stated, and that the soil samples and rock cores, if any were referred to, were actually taken from the site at the times, places and in the manner indicated. The samples are available for inspection in the Department of Design and Construction Subsurface Exploration Section. 4. Bidder's Responsibility: The bidder, however, is responsible for any conclusions to be drawn from the work. If the bidder accepts those of the City, it must do so at its own risk. If the bidder prefers not to assume such risk, the bidder is under the obligation of employing its own experts to analyze the available information, and must be responsible for any consequences of acting on their conclusions. 5. Continuity Not Guarantee: The City does not guarantee continuity of conditions shown at actual boring locations over the entire site. Where possible, borings are located to avoid all obstructions and previous construction which can be found by inspection of the surface and the bidder is required to estimate the influence of such features from its own inspection of the site. REFER TO THE ADDENDUM FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF SUB-SECTION 3.4


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