Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DOC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015

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7. Provide a built-in drafting or reference table, located in the general office/conference room, at least 60 inches long by 36 inches wide with cabinet below and wall type plan rack at least 42 inches wide. 8. The washroom shall be equipped with a flush toilet, wash basin with two (2) faucets, medicine cabinet, complete with supplies and a toilet roll tissue holder. Plumbing and fixtures shall be approved house type, with each appliance trapped and vented and a single discharge connection. Five (5) gallon capacity automatic electric heater for domestic hot water shall be furnished. 9. HVAC: The trailer shall be equipped with central heating and cooling adequate to maintain a temperature of 72 degrees during the heating season and 75 degrees during the cooling season when the outside temperature is 5 degrees F. winter and 89 degrees F. summer. 10. Lighting shall be provided via ceiling mounted fluorescent lighting fixtures to a minimum level of 50 foot candles in the open and private office(s) along with sufficient lighting in the washroom. Broken and burned out lamps shall be replaced by the Contractor. A minimum of four (4) duplex convenience outlets shall be provided in the open office and two (2) each in the private office(s). These outlets shall be in addition to special outlet requirements for computer stations, copiers, HVAC unit, etc. 11. Electrical service switch and panel shall be adequately sized for the entire trailer load. Provide dedicated circuits for HVAC units, hot water heater, copiers and other equipment as required. All wiring and installation shall conform to the New York City Electrical Code. 12. The following movable equipment shall be furnished: a. Two (2) single pedestal desks, 42" x 32"; two (2) swivel chairs with arms and three (3) side chairs without arms to match desk. Two (2) full ball bearing suspension four (4) drawer vertical legal filing cabinets with locks and two (2) full ball bearing two (2) drawer vertical legal filing cabinets in each private office located below built-in desk. b. One (1) folding conference table, 96" x 30" and ten (10) folding chairs. c. Three (3) metal wastebaskets. d. One (1) fire extinguisher one (1) quart vaporizing liquid type, brass, wall mounted by Pyrene No. C21 or approved equal. e. One (1) Crystal Springs water cooler with bottled water, Model No. LP14058 or approved equal to be furnished for the duration of the Contract as required. 13. TRAILER TEMPORARY SERVICE: Plumbing and electrical work required for the trailer will be furnished and maintained as below. a. PLUMBINGWORK: The Contractor shall provide temporary water and drainage service connections to the DOC Field Office trailer for a complete installation. Provide all necessary soil, waste, vent and drainage piping. Contractor to frost-proof all water pipes to prevent freezing. 1) REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE: The Contractor shall provide repairs for the duration of the project until the trailer is removed from the site. 2) DISPOSITION OF PLUMBINGWORK: At the expiration of the time limit set forth in Sub-Section 3.8 B 1 herein, the temporary water and drainage connections and piping to the DOC Field Office trailer shall be removed by the Contractor and shall be plugged at the mains. All piping shall become the property of the Contractor for Plumbing Work and shall be removed from the site, all as directed. All repair work due to these removals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. ELECTRICAL WORK: 1) The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain a temporary electric feeder to the DOC Field Office trailer immediately after it is placed at the job site. 2) The temporary electrical feeder and service switch/fuse shall be adequately sized based on the trailer load and installed per the New York City Electrical Code and complying with utility requirements. b.


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