Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 -DDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015



3) Make all arrangements and pay all costs to provide electric service. 4) The Contractor shall pay all costs for current consumed and for maintenance of the system in operating condition, including the furnishing of the necessary bulb replacements lamps, etc., for the duration of the project and for a period of forty- five (45) days after the date of Substantial Completion. 5) Disposition of ElectricWork: At the expiration of the time limit set forth, the temporary feeder, safety switch, etc., shall be removed and disposed of as directed. . 6) All repair work due to these removals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. c. MAINTENANCE 1) The Contractor shall provide and pay all costs for regular weekly janitor service and furnish toilet paper, sanitary seat covers, cloth towels and soap and maintain the DDC Field Office in first-class condition, including all repairs, until the trailer is removed from the site. 2) Supplies: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing (a) all office supplies, including without limitation, pens, pencils, stationery, filtered drinking water and sanitary supplies, and (b) all supplies in connection with required computers and printers, including without limitation, an adequate supply of blank CD's/DVD's, storage boxes for blank CDs/DVDs, and paper and toner cartridges for the printer. 3) Risk of Loss: The entire risk of loss with respect to the DDC Field Office and equipment shall remain solely and completely with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any insurance coverage determined by the Contractor to be necessary for the Field Office. 4) At forty-five (45) days after the date of Substantial Completion, or sooner as directed by the Commissioner, the Contractors shall have all services disconnected and capped to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. All repair work due to these removals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. d. TELEPHONE SERVICE: The Contractor shall provide and pay all costs for the following telephone services for the DOC Field Office trailer: 1) Separate telephone lines for one (1) desk phone in each private office. 2) One (1) wall phone (with six (6) foot extension cord) at plan table. 3) Separate telephone lines for the fax machine and internet access in each private office. Telephone service shall include voice mail. 4) A remote bell located on outside of trailer 5) The telephone service shall continue until the trailer is removed from the site. e. PERMITS: The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements and obtain all permits and pay all fees required for this work. C. RENTED SPACE: The Contractor has the option of providing, at its cost and expense, rented office or store space in lieu of trailer. Said space shall be in the immediate area of the Project and have adequate plumbing, heating and electrical facilities. Space chosen by the Contractor for the DDC Field Office must be approved by the Commissioner before the area is rented. All insurance, maintenance and equipment, including computer workstations specified in Sub-Section 3.8 D in quantities required as specified in Sub-Section 3.8 B 3 for the DDC Field Office trailer, shall also apply to rented spaces.



ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE DOC FIELD OFFICE: 1. The Contractor shall provide a high volume copy machine (50 copies per minute) for paper sizes 8½ x 11, 8½ x 14 & 11 x 17. Copier shall remain at job site until the DDC Field office trailer is removed from the site.


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