Flushing Library Contract eBook
•J•J -3.M- Division 01 - DOC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015 DESIGN + CONSTRUCTION trailer within thirty (30) days from Notice to Proceed. The trailer shall have equipment in compliance with the minimum requirements hereinafter specified. Any permits and fees required for the installation and use of said trailer shall be borne by the Contractor. The trailer including furniture and equipment therein, except computer equipment specified in Sub- Section 3.8D.3 herein, shall remain the property of the Contractor. 3. Trailer shall be an office type trailer of the size specified herein, with exterior stairs at entrance. Trailer construction shall be minimum 2 x 4 wall construction fully insulated with paneled interior walls, pre-finished gypsum board ceilings and vinyl tile floors. REFER TO THE ADDENDUM FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF SUB-SECTION 3.8.B.3a or SUB-SECTION 3.8.B.3b. a. DOC Managed Project Trailer: DOC Field Office Trailer Size, Layout and Computer Workstation: 1) Overall length: 32 Feet Overall width: 10 Feet b. 2) Interior Layout: Provide one (1) general office/conference room area and one (1) private office at one end of the trailer. Provide equipment and amenities as specified in Sub-Section 3.8.B herein. 3) Computer Workstation: Provide one (1) complete computer workstation, as specified in Sub-Section 3.8.D herein, in the private office area as directed by the Resident Engineer. CM Managed Project Trailer: DOC Field Office Trailer Size, Layout and Computer Workstation: 1) Interior Layout: Provide one (1) large general office/conference room in the center of the trailer and two (2) private offices, one (1) each at either end of the trailer. Provide equipment and amenities as specified in Sub-Section 3.8.B herein. 3) Computer Workstation: Provide three (3) complete computer workstations as specified in Sub-Section 3.8.D herein. Provide one (1) each complete computer workstation in each private office and one (1) complete computer workstation at the secretarial position as directed by the Resident Engineer. The exterior of the trailer shall be lettered with black block lettering of the following heights with white borders: CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS DOC FEILD OFFICE NOTE: In lieu of painting letters on trailer the Contractor may substitute a sign constructed of a good quality weatherproof material with the same type and size of lettering above. All windows and doors shall have aluminum insect screens. Provide wire mesh protective guards at all windows. The interior shall be divided by partitions into general and private office areas as specified herein. Provide a washroom located adjacent to the private office and a built-in wardrobe closet opposite the washroom. Provide a built-in desk in the private office(s) with fixed overhead shelf and clearance below for two (2) file cabinets. Overall length: 50 Feet Overall width: 10 Feet 2) 2-1/2" 3-3/4" 3-1/2" 2-1/2" 4. 5. 6. TEMPORARY FACILITIES, SERVICES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 -15
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