REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

- Interface with Curtain Wall Steel Fins. Fins are at 5’-4” o.c. does GFRG run continuous behind

curtain wall or does it break at every fin


Plasterform Questions

o GFRG Ceiling Cove: From the A33-53-00-00-00 CAD files there are three different

angles. How does the 42.7 degree angle transition to 54.4 degree angle along BB’ and BR

line between B5’ and B7’? How does 54.4 degree angle transition to 21.4 degree angle

along BQ and BA line between B3’ and B1’?

o GFRG Ceiling at Retail: There is a triangle of GFRG ceiling shown on the RCP between

B6’ and B7’ in the retail area. There is no section thru this area of the ceiling and could

not locate required information on the Revit model. Please provide design at this area.

o GFRG/Structural Steel Clash: A36-52-00-00-00 and S32-11-00-00-00 were overlapped

and it was found the steel trusses don no always fit into the GFRG closure. Which

drawing should be followed for geometry? Can we follow S32-11-00-00-00 (Rider B

dated 4-13-2018) and modify GFRG truss closure angles on A36-52-00-00-00? For most

slanted truss closure between grid B1-B9 is it acceptable to make the angles 62/63/64/65


o Joints at Truss Elevations: There are three lines shown on the truss elevation. Is the top

joint a control joint for movement? Is it acceptable for the bottom joint to be a reveal? A

tape joint may have some quality issues between the GFRG and GFRC.

o Tapered Truss Corners: Some truss corners are tapered from 4” at shaft bottom to 0” at

the top of the shaft. To Is it acceptable to keep the tapered portion length fixed and put

difference at square edge portion on the top?

- Coordination of Other Trades – can items be surface mounted, cut in the field or incorporated into

the mold.

Light Fixtures


Type 105 at GFRC Base

Type 146 at Flair Ceiling

o Radiator Enclosures & Power Outlets at GFRC Base

o Concealed Sprinkler Heads at Ceiling Soffit

Smoke Detectors at Ceiling Soffit


o Thermostats and Ambient Noise Sensors at GFRG Truss Covers

o Fire Extinguisher Cabinets at GFRG Truss Covers

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R:\PEDSTRIAN BRIDGE B\PBB - Employee Mailbox\Brian Mock\02. Interior Framing - Spearhead\Coordination Meeting\GFRG Coordination

Meeting Agenda 2018_11_26.doc

Last printed 11/26/2018 11:02:00 AM

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