REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

LaGuardia CTB Replacement Project Pedestrian Bridge B – Additional Interior Framing Items Meeting Minutes ______________________________________________________________________________________ v. 5. Panelmax Fabrication Start 11/4/19. (Panelmax load-in and training week of 10/28/19) b. GFRG Capital framing sequence Spearhead does not plan to install framing for capital before gfrg pieces and does not need the full frame/cage shown on shop drawings. Only need truss framing to start GFRG. SWJV to verify if revised shop drawings are required showing only framing to be installed. Plan to set capitals prior to soffit clips/framing/grid i. Front Elevation Spearhead plans to place capital framing at same time as GFRG pieces ii. Back Elevation Spearhead plans to place capital framing at same time as GFRG pieces c. Truss Framing Backside Finish by 10/18/19 for GFRG install d. Truss Framing at Moving Walkway – Lift in Pit thru Wednesday. Spearhead to discuss using Islands lift in moving walkway pit and keep in order to finish truss framing in that area to complete by 10/12/19. e. Ceiling and Soffit Framing and Armstrong Grid Sequence – Spearhead plans to install after gfrg capitals. Need Sirina deluge pipe installed i. MEPFP and LV – Electrical and LV subs can install conduit now. Can run conduit in truss diagonals as well. ii. Black iron for electrician – Electrical and LV subs can install conduit now f. GFRG and GFRC deliveries – First two truck loads to J Supor 10/15/19 or 10/16/19. Spearhead to inventory. SWJV to schedule delivery from J Supor to Site for GFRG mockups 10/18/19. Start receipt of additional capitals week of 10/21/19 at B6’ working north and moving walkway area after kone load in. g. Panel Max Location – Spearhead does not want to set up on ground level. Can set up near head house and out of MEP Head House connections week of 10/28/19 (+ training week of 10/28/19). Spearhead can facilitate a move if necessary. Spearhead to send recommended layouts to see if foot print can be reduced. Electrical requirements to be reviewed and priced by B&G or use generator h. Gyp Board Truss Enclosure and Soffit – Panelmax fabrication for truss enclosures and soffits starting 11/4/19. i. Elevator Shaft Wall and Elevator Room – Anticipated available 10/11 after weld signoff/inspection. Need to prime paint weld locations j. Radiator Enclosure – after curtain wall-slab edge firesafing k. Tennant Space – Working on schedule for turnover of tenant space. Anticipate potential white box finish by 12/1/19. 3. 3 rd Floor Items a. Mechanical Room Framing Spearhead will frame elevator after weld signoff, anticipated start 10/12/19. South Wall to start after elevator and SWJV confirmation of curb b. Escalator Walls – Need engineering for East wall prior to closing up wall. SWJV to finalize plan for adding bent plate for wall to bear on for west wall where there is a gap between level 4 slab edge and sloped slab framing.

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Pedestrian Bridge B – Additional Interior Framing Items

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