REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Meeting #14

Coordination: Deliverables/Equipment/Logistics


Meeting Origin Title


Due Date Priority





GRFG Substitution Mockup

Sean Reed (Spearhead)

2/28/2019 High



Description: SWJV/Spearhead submitted marked up drawing to LGP (Sherry Maleki) and confirmed L5 finish. LGP stated they do not oppose the substitution, but SWJV has not received a formal acceptance

Previous Meeting Minutes: 7/2/2019 - LGP (Sherry Maleki) replied to SWJV email for substitution – SWJV to review and confirm with Sean for highlighted drawings prior to responding 6/12/2019 - Brian to send substitution email for LGP confirmation this week; HOK accepted the official drawing confirming each item that is gyp in lieu of GFRG per RFI 5/28/2019 - Brian to send substitution email for LGP confirmation this week; Spearhead to submit official drawing as requested by HOK confirming each item that is gyp in lieu of GFRG

5/14/2019 - SWJV to send substitution confirmation from LGP. 4/29/2019 – Informal approval from LGP. SWJV to get confirmation. See 4/9/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes



Radiator Enclosure Mockup

Doug Moore (SWJV)

3/15/2019 High



Description: See item 3.3

Previous Meeting Minutes: 7/2/2019 - Celtic to have mockup for Thursday, 7/11/19 6/12/2019 - Celtic confirmed Thursday, 6/20 5/28/2019 - Celtic to advise date 5/21/2019 – Met with Doug from SWJV to discuss details, reference Coordination Matrix. Forthcoming info coming from Celtic. 5/14/2019 - Meeting scheduled with Celtic to work out details

4/29/2019 – Setting up meeting for week of 5/13/2019 See 4/9/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes





Ongoing Low



Description: Loading dock to be installed after concrete pour for end of July; SWJV/Spearhead to review plan for L1-3 load-in through truss or below bridge depending on timing with Cord exterior framing – potentially can store behind weather wall by CB Previous Meeting Minutes: 7/2/19 - Sean Reed and Gary can review DMS with Mack and Sean Hickey if needed

6/12/2019 - Demo team to reschedule DMS training for Sean Reed. 5/28/2019 - Sean Reed participating in DMS training for Demo team See 4/9/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes



Fireproofing Coordination

Gary Miuccio (Spearhead)

3/22/2019 Low



Description: Mockup to be coordinated after deck pour; reviewed schedule with Gary per 6 week look-ahead

Previous Meeting Minutes: 7/2/2019 - Mockup to be coordinated after deck pour; Murat submitted Blaze Track used in HH under Spearhead header – pending HOK approval 6/12/2019 - Meeting with Island and other subcontractors (including Spearhead) took place prior to this meeting on 6/12; Gary to install a couple angles on PBB steel slanted columns as a “mockup” for Island to review SOFP condition; Murat to send Spearhead the HH submittal for top track used in HH interior walls; SWJV to review SOFP thickness requirement at bolts but plan is to submit RFI as case- by-case basis if needed during construction 5/28/2019 - SWJV meeting with Island on 5/29/19; will set up meeting with Spearhead and Island in potentially 2 weeks; SWJV and Spearhead to look further into bolt connections with SOFP to see if RFI for general condition allowing < 2” at these locations is acceptable in case Spearhead needs to scrape some off in the tight areas UPDATE 5/29/19 per meeting with Island: hanger depth is 6" from surface; so if attached to deck 6" from deck, if to steel 6" from BOS 5/14/2019 - Setup Meeting First week of June. Need to discuss hanger depth, 6” from bottom of steel or bottom of deck.


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