Final Combined Book v.4.0 test

DocuSign Envelope ID: 504E348D-E333-4B23-A2D1-D243E0E84081

GFRC Bases – Receptacles 1) Please coordinate in field, on site is the best way to address your concern, since Spearhead request is unclear. 2) Please coordinate in field. GFRC Bases – Toe Kick 1) Spearhead to coordinate and install, although Spearhead could have started this work sooner as requested by SWJV which was total disregarded. 2) Please coordinate in field

Stainless Steel Bases items 1 – 4 1 – 4) Field coordination item.

In addition, your coordination questions at this stage of the Project reflect an increasing concern that Spearhead has not properly coordinated in accordance with the requirements of the Subcontract (see Ex E Article 2.4). Any delays and impacts caused by Spearhead’s failure to properly coordinate, including due to absentee management, lack of presence on site during normal business hours, and failure to attend our weekly Tuesday coordination meeting, will be Spearhead’s responsibility.

We look forward to communicating with an authorized Spearhead person at coordination meetings as part of Spearhead’s coordination duties.


Frank Corallo Pedestrian Bridge B Area Manager


Brian Mock - SWJV John Dolan - SWJV Sean Szatkowski - SWJV

Attachments: Spearhead-Response to Notice of Reduced Scope Bridge B

PBB-8720-200127-Notice to Spearhead of Reduced Scope Bridge B

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PBB-10023-200226-SWJV Response to Spearhead Questions


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