Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DOCSTANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015



b. For wire and cable No. 6 AWG and larger for branch circuit wiring the seamless tubular connector will only be accepted. Application of this connector shall be with a tool recommended by the connector manufacturer. 9. TAGS: All feeders and risers shall be tagged at both ends, and in all pull and junction boxes and gutter spaces through which they pass. Such tags shall be of fiber and have the feeder designation and size stamped thereon. 10. BRANCHCIRCUITWIRING: a. The Contractor installing branch circuit wiring shall test the work for correct connections and leave all loop splices in the fixture outlet boxes properly spliced and taped. The Contractor shall provide wire ends long enough for convenient connection to device. b. NEUTRALS: No common neutrals shall be used except for lighting branch circuits. Each neutral wire shall be terminated separately on a neutral busbar in the panelboard. No common neutrals will be permitted for convenience receptacle branch circuits. LUGS: All lugs for all devices and all cable terminations shall be copper. AL/CU rated lugs will not be permitted. The only exception to this requirement is when the particular device is not manufacturedwith copper lugs by any manufacturer. Lugs for No. 6 AWG cable and larger shall be cast copper or forged copper pressure plate type. Lugs for 1/0 and larger shall be fastened with two (2) bolts. 2. All lugs shall be of the proper size to accept the cable connected to them. Any subcontractor furnishing a device containing lugs is to coordinate with the Contractor to insure that the device terminations are adequate for the wire or cable (whose size may be larger than expected due to voltage drop considerations) connected to the device. TERMINATIONS 1. This Section sets forth the circuit protective devices such as circuit breakers and safety switches, used in connectionwith Motor Control Equipment, Distribution Centers, Panel boards and Service Entrance. A. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: 1. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: shall be operable in any position and shall be of the quick-make, quick-break type on manual operation. The handle shall be trip free, preventing contacts from being held in closed position against abnormal overloads or short circuits. Positive visual indication of automatic tripped position of breaker shall be provided, in addition to the "On" and "Off' indication. All circuit breakers shall be of the bolted type. 2. TRIP RATING: Circuit breakers shall be provided With the required number of trip elements, calibrated at 40 degrees C., ambient temperature, in accordance with wire sizes or motor currents as shown on Contract Drawings or indicated in the Specifications. 3. POLE BARRIER: Multipole pole breakers shall be designed to break all poles simultaneously. They shall be provided with barriers between poles and arc suppressingdevices. 4. ELEMENTS: Multipole circuit breakers shall have frames of not less than a 100 Ampere rating. Multipole circuit breakers for 480 volts AC operation shall have an NEMA interrupting rating of 18,000 Amperes, unless a higher rating is specified in the Specific Requirements or indicated on the Contract Drawings. I. REFER TO THE ADDENDUM FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF SUB-SECTION 3.5



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