Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
both wet and dry locations. Wires No. 8 or larger shall be stranded. Wires and cables shall also be subject to the requirements of the NYCEC. Cables for incoming service or wire in conduits contiguous with the earth or in concrete or other damp or wet locations shall be synthetic rubber insulated with neoprene jacket, heat and moisture resistant and shall be equal to UL Type USE and rated for 600 volts at 75 degrees C. for both wet and dry locations. B. FIXTUREWIRE: Lighting fixtures shall be wired with No. 14 gauge wire designated as AWM and rated at 105 degrees C. C. OTHER TYPES: Cables and wires for interior communication systems are described in applicable detailed Specifications. D. MINIMUMSIZE: Conductors smaller than No. 12AWG shall not be used for light or power. E. COLOR CODE:Wires shall have a phase color code, and multiple conductor cables shall be color coded. F. CABLE DATA: The Contractor shall submit for approval the following information for each size and type of cable to be furnished. 1. Manufacture of Cable - Location of Plant. 2. Minimum insulation resistance at standard test temperature. 3. Days required for delivery to site of work after order to proceedwith manufacture. G. ORIGINAL REELS: Cable and wire shall be delivered to the site of the work on original sealed factory reels. H. WIRE INSTALLATION: 1. INSTALLWIRES AFTER PLASTERING- Feeder and branch circuits wiring shall not be installed in conduit before the rough plastering work is completed. No conductors shall be pulled into floor conduits before floor is poured. 2. CONDUIT SECURED IN PLACE - No conductor shall be pulled into any conduit run before all joints are made up tightly and the entire run rigidly secured in place. 3. WIRE ENDS - All wires shall be left with sufficiently long ends for proper connection and stowing. 4. PULLINGCOMPOUNDS- When required to ease the pulling-in of wires into conduit, only approved compounds as recommended by cable manufacturers shall be used. 5. PRESSURECONNECTORS - for wires shall be of the cast copper or forged copper pressure plate type. Connectors shall be 0.2., Burndy, National Electric Products or approved equal. 6. Splices and feeder taps in the gutters of panel boxes shall be made by means of pressure plate type connectors encased in composition covers as manufactured by 0.2., Burndy, National Electric Products or approved equal. 7. Splices in branch wiring for sound systems and fire systems, shall be first made mechanically secure, then soldered and taped. 8. In lieu of soldered splices (except for sound and Fire Systems, which must have soldered splices) the following alternates are acceptable for operating temperatures up to 105 degrees C., for fluorescent fixtures and for the splicing of branch circuit wiring up to No. 8 AWG wire: a. Mechanical splices made with mechanical connectors as manufactured by the Minnesota Manufacturing Company "Scotchlock" or approved equal. Mechanical connectors requiring a special tool (pressure connectors, insulators and locking rings) by Buchanan or approved equal. The tool used for connector application shall be as approved by the connector manufacturer.
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