Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015



etc. device (starters and disconnect switches are not included in this definition) regardless of the voltage required for the controlling device. D. RIGID STEEL CONDUIT: shall mean rigid steel, heavy wall conduit that is hot dipped galvanized inside and outside. The conduit shall meet the requirements of the latest edition, as amended, of the "Standard for Rigid Steel Conduit" of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Unless otherwise specified in the Specifications or indicated on the Contract Drawings, rigid steel conduit shall be used for all exposed work, for all underground conduits in contact with earth and for fire alarms systems, as required by the New York City Construction Codes. E. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT): shall mean industry standard thin wall conduit of galvanized steel only. All elbows, bends, couplings and similar fittings which are installed as a part of the conduit system shall be compatible for use with electric metallic tubing. Couplings and terminating fittings shall be of the pressure type as approved by the Commissioner. Set screw fittings will not be acceptable. EMT shall meet the requirements of the latest edition, as amended, of the "Standard for Electrical Metallic Tubing of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc." EMT may only be used where specifically indicated. In no case will EMT be permitted in spaces other than hung ceilings and dry wall partitions. F. FLEXIBLE METALLIC CONDUIT (FMC): Shall mean a conduit made through the coiling of a self- interlocking ribbed strip of aluminum or steel, forming a hollow tube through which wires can be pulled. For final connections to motors and motorized equipment, not more than a 4' - O" length of flexible conduit may be used. For watertight installations, this conduit shall be of a watertight type, attached with watertight glands or fittings for final connections from outlet box to recessed lighting fixtures and in locations only where specifically permitted by the Specificationsor Contract Drawings. 1.5 PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICALAPPROVAL: This Sub-Section sets forth General Electrical information, as well as required approvals for all electrical work required for the Project, including ancillary electrical work which may be included in the work of other trade subcontractors. A. ELECTRIC SERVICE: The electric service supply is subject to commercial and operating variation of the utility company. Proper provision shall be made to have all apparatus operate normally under these conditions. B. ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance and approval of the work will be contingent upon the inspection and test of the installation by the City regulatory agency. C. TESTS: The Contractor shall notify the Commissioner when the Contractor has completed the work and is ready to have it inspected and tested. Upon completion of the work tests shall be made as required by the Commissioner of all electrical materials, electrical and associated mechanical equipment, and of appliances installed hereunder. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and material for such tests. Should the tests show that any of the material, appliances or workmanship is not first class or not in compliance with the Contract, the Contractor on written notice shall remove and promptly replace them with other materials in conformity with the Contract. D. CERTIFICATE OF THE BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL CONTROL, OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS (B.E.C.): The Contractor must file prior to requesting a substantial completion inspection a Certificate of Inspection issued by B.E.C. On completion of the work the Contractor shall obtain certificates of inspection, approval, acceptance and compliance from all agencies and/or entities having jurisdiction over the work and shall deliver these certificates to the Commissioner in accordance with Section 01 77 00 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES. E. RESPONSIBILITYFOR CARE AND PROTECTIONOF EQUIPMENT: 1. The Contractor furnishing any equipment shall be responsible for the equipment until it has been finally inspected, tested and accepted, in accordancewith the requirements of the Contract.


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