Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 - DOC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
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E. The Photographer represents and warrants that the Copyrightable Materials: (i) are wholly original material not published elsewhere (except for material that is in the public domain); (ii) do not violate any copyright Law; (iii) do not constitute defamation or invasion of the right of privacy or publicity; and (iv) are not an infringement, of any kind, of the rights of any third party. To the extent that the Copyrightable Materials incorporate any non-original material, the Photographer has obtained all necessary permissions and clearances, in writing, for the use of such non-original material under this Agreement, copies of which shall be provided to the City.
Photographic Film: Mediumformat, 2-1/4 by 2-1/4 inches (60 by 60 mm). B. Digital Images: 1. Construction Progress Images: Color images in JPEG format with minimum sensor size of 1.3 megapixels. 2. PresentationQuality Images: Provide Color images in uncompressedTIFF format, produced by a digital camera with minimum sensor size of 4.0 megapixels, and at an image resolution of not less than 1024 by 768 with 8"x1 O" original capture at 300 dpi or greater. Format: 8-by-10-inch (203-by-254-mm) smooth-surface matte color prints on single-weight commercial-grade stock paper, with 1inch wide margins and punched for standard 3-ring binder. 2. Identification: On the front of each photograph affix a label in the margin with Project name and date photograph was taken. On the back of each print, provide an applied label or rubber- stamped impressionwith the following information: a. Project Contract 1.0.Number. b. Project Contract Name. c. Name of Contractor. (and SubcontractorTrade Represented} d. Subject of ImageTaken. e. Date and time photographwas taken if not date stamped by camera. f. Descriptionof vantage point, indicating location, direction and other pertinent information. g. Unique sequential identifier. h. Name and address of photographer. C. Prints: 1.
A. General: Take photographs using the maximum range of depth of field, and that are in focus, to clearly show the Work. Photographswith blurry or out-of-focus areas will not be accepted. 1. Maintain key plan with each set of construction photographs that identifies each photographic location and direction of view. B. Film Images: 1. Date Stamp: Unless otherwise indicated, date and time stamp each photograph as it is being taken so stamp is integral to photograph.
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