Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015




5. Record Drawing Title Sheet: The Contractor shall prepare a title sheet, the same size as the Contract Record Drawings, which shall contain the following:


Heading: The City of New York Department of Design and Construction Division of Public Buildings Capital Budget Project Number (FMS ID)

b. c. d. e.

Name and Location of Project Contractor's Name and Address

Subcontractor's Name and Address (where applicable)

f.. Record of changes (a caption description of work affected, and the date and number of Change Order or other authorization) g.. List of Record Drawings B. Record Specifications, Addenda and Change Order: Submit to the Commissioner two (2) copies each of marked-up Record Specifications, Addenda and Change Orders. C. Record Product Data: Submit to the Commissioner two (2) sets of Record Product Data. D. Record Construction Photographs: Submit to the Commissioner final as-built construction photographs and negatives of the completed work as described in Section 01 32 33, PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION. E. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Submit three (3) copies each of preliminary manuals to the Resident Engineer for review and approval. The Contractor shall make such corrections, changes and/or additions to the manual until deemed satisfactory by the Resident Engineer. Deliver three (3) copies of the final approved manuals to the Resident Engineer for distribution. 2. Commissioning: Comply with the requirements of Section 01 91 13, GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS, as well as the requirements set forth in sections of the Project Specifications, for projects designated for Commissioning. Submit four (4) copies each of data designated to be included in the Commissioning Operation and Maintenance Manual to the Resident Engineer. The Resident Engineer will forward such data to the Commissioning Authority/Agent (CxA) for review and comment. The Contractor shall make such corrections, changes and/or additions to the data until deemed satisfactory and deliver four (4) copies of the final data to the Resident Engineer for use by the Commissioning Authority/Agent (CxA) to prepare the Commissioning Operation and Maintenance Manual. a. Non-Commissioning Data: All remaining data not designated for Commissioning and required as part of Maintenance and Operation Manual shall be prepared and assembled in accordance with the requirements of this section for Operating and Maintenance Manuals. F. Final Site Survey: Submit Final Site Survey as described in Section 01 73 00, EXECUTION, in quantities requested by the Commissioner, signed and sealed by a Land Surveyor licensed in the State of New York. G. Guarantees and Warranties. H. Waste Disposal Documents and Miscellaneous Record Documents.


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