Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 - DDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
1. List of materials targeted for reuse, salvage, or recycling, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of receiving facilities/companies that will be purchasing or accepting each material. 2. Description of onsite and/or offsite sorting methods for all materials to be removed from site. 3. If mixed construction and demolition waste is to be sorted off-site, provide a letter from the processor stating the average percentage of mixed construction and demolition waste they recycle. 4. Landfill information: Names of landfills where non-recyclable/reusable/salvageable waste will be disposed, and list of applicable tipping fees. 5. Materials handling procedures: A description of the means by which any recyclable, salvaged, or reused materials will be protected from contamination, and collected in a manner that will meet the requirements for acceptance by the designated recycling processors. 6. Transportation: A description of the means of transportation and destination for recycled materials. 7. Meetings: Description of regular meetings to be held to address waste management. 8. Sample spreadsheet and description of how the implementation of the plan will be documented on a monthly basis. C. FINAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. Within fifteen (15) days of Commissioner's approval of the Draft Plan, the Contractor shall submit a Final Waste Management Plan. D. PROGRESS REPORTS. The Contractor shall submit monthly a Waste Management Progress Report, containing the following information: 1. Project title, name of company completing report, and dates of period covered by the report 2. Report on the disposal of all jobsite waste. A DDC C&D Waste Management Log form is available on the DDC Sustainable Design website and included at the end of this section. For each shipment of material removed from the site, provide the following: a. Date and ticket number of removal b. Identity of material hauler c. Material Category d. Total quantity of waste, in tones/cubic yards, by type e. Quantity of waste salvaged, recycled and/or reused, by type f. Total quantity of waste diverted from landfill (recycled, salvaged, reused) as a percentage of total waste g. Recipient of each material type 3. Provide monthly and cumulative project totals of waste, quantity diverted, and percentage diverted. 4. Note that the unit of measure may be either tons or cubic yards, but must be consistent for all shipments and all materials throughout the project. Reports with inconsistent or mixed units will not be reviewed and will be returned for re-submission. 5. Include legible copies of on-site logs, weight tickets and receipts. Receipts shall be from charitable organizations, recycling and/or disposal site operators who can legally accept the materials for the purpose of reuse, recycling or disposal. Contractor shall save such original documents for the life of the project plus seven (7) years. E. LEED Submittal: For LEED designated projects submit LEED Letter Template for Credit 2.2, signed by the Contractor, tabulating total waste material, quantities diverted and means by which it is diverted, and statement that requirements for the credit have been met. F. Refrigerant Recovery. Submit Qualification data for Refrigerant recovery technician. Statement of refrigerant recovery, signed by the refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant
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