Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DOC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015



C. COSTS: The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs in connection with the temporary elevator, including without limitation: (1) installing and operating the temporary elevator, (2) maintaining the temporary elevator in clean, proper operating condition, including the cost of lubricants and/or parts for such maintenance, (3) performing all work in pits, shaft ways and machine rooms necessary for the operation of the temporary elevator, (4) replacing the temporary elevator or any equipment or parts utilized in connection therewith, if required, due to damage, destruction or excessive wear or corrosion, except for the replacement of hoisting ropes as set forth below, (5) performing all required electrical work in connection with the temporary elevator, (6) providing all electric power required to operate the temporary elevator, (7) providing all necessary conduit and wiring connections for the proper operation and signaling of the temporary elevator, and (8) providing all labor for the operation·and maintenance of the temporary elevator, including on an overtime basis if necessary. The total Contract Price shall include all costs in connection with the temporary elevator, including without limitation, the costs specified herein. D. COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICE: The Contractor shall begin to provide temporary elevator service using the selected main passenger elevator no later than eight (8) weeks (40 working days) after the machine room roof slab, or that portion of it surrounding the elevator shaft, has been placed. No later than three (3) weeks (15 working days) after the machine room roof slab, or that portion of it surrounding the elevator shaft, has been placed the following work shall have been completed: 1. The shaft shall have been completely enclosed by either the permanent or a temporary enclosure meeting the requirements of the law. 2. The machine room shall have been made completely watertight either by permanent or temporary construction. Beams or other devices, either permanent or temporary shall be provided which will enable the safe and practicable hoisting of the elevator machinery for installation. 3. There shall have been installed on all floors at the shaft way entrances to the elevator, solid substantial frames and either sliding or swing doors with substantial hardware and door locks and any necessary approved wire mesh barricades for adjacent shaft ways. 4. There shall have been furnished and installed solid substantial enclosures at front, back, sides and top of car platform enclosure, with emergency exit at top of car, excepting that the portion of the front at the elevator entrance shall have been provided with a substantial temporary door or gate. E. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: The Contractor, not later than 20 calendar days after the machine room roof slab or that portion of its surrounding the elevator has been placed, shall have furnished and installed temporary or permanent power and light feeders as required for the elevator used for temporary service and shall have connected such feeders to the terminals on the starter panels or controllers in the machine room to the low voltage transformers and car light outlets in the center of shaft way and for the car control and signal traveling cables. The Contractor shall make all these required connections as soon as the equipment is declared ready for such connections by the Resident Engineer. F. REMOVAL: When elevators for permanent use have been installed and are in condition for service, and when directed by the Commissioner, the Contractor shall remove the temporary enclosures and all temporary elevator equipment and promptly proceed with the installation of the permanent equipment as required under the Contract. G. INSPECTION: Before temporary elevator equipment is removed, a joint inspection of the equipment shall be made by the Contractor and the Commissioner to determine the condition of this equipment upon the discontinuation of its temporary use. If this inspection deems it necessary, the Contractor shall furnish and install new governor and compensating ropes, new traveling cables and new controller parts, etc. The car and counterweight safeties shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and all foreign matter, then properly lubricated and placed in good operating condition to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. If it is determined and ordered by the Commissioner that new hoist ropes are required, such ropes shall be installed and payment therefore will be made in accordance with Article 26 of the Contract.


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