Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015

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NYC Department of Parks & Recreation's Director of Landscape Management at (718) 699- 6724, to determine the limits of any additional quarantine areas that may be in effect at the time when tree work is to be performed. The quarantine area may be expanded by Federal and State authorities at any time and the Contractor is required to abide by any revisions to the quarantine legislation while working on this contract. For further information please contact: NYSDAM (631) 288-1751. B. Tree Protection Requirements: The Contractor shall retain a Certified Arborist, as defined by New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYCDPR) regulations, to provide the services described below. 1. Surveys and Reports: The Certified Arborist shall, at the times indicated below, conduct a survey and prepare a plant material assessment report which includes: (1) identification, by species and pertinent measurements, of all plant material located on the project site, or in proximity to the project site, as described below, including all trees, significant shrubs and/or planting masses; (2) identification and plan for the containment of plant pests and pathogens, including the ALB, as described in paragraph A above; (3) evaluation of the general health and condition of any infected plant material. 2. Frequency of Reports: The Certified Arborist shall conduct a survey and provide a plant material assessment report at two (2) points in time: (1) prior to the commencement of construction work; and (2) at the time of substantial completion. In addition, for projects exceeding 24 months in duration, the Certified Arborist shall conduct a survey and prepare a report at the midpoint of construction. Copies of each plant material assessment report shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer within two (2) weeks of the survey. 3. Proximity to Project Site: Off-site trees, significant shrubs and/or planting masses shall be considered to be located in proximity to the project site under the circumstances described below. a. The tree trunk, significant shrub, or primary cluster of stems in a planting mass is within 50 (fifty) feet of the project's Contract Limit Lines (CLLs) or Property Lines (PLs). b. Any part of the tree or shrub stands within 50 (fifty) feet of: (a) a path for site access for vehicles and/or construction equipment; or (b} scaffolding to be erected for construction activity, including fac;:aderemediation projects. c. The Certified Arborist determines that the critical root zone (CRZ) of an off-site tree, significant shrub, or primary cluster of stems in a planting mass extends into the project site, whether or not that plant material is located within the SO-footinclusionary perimeter as outlined above. 4. Tree Protection Plan: The Certified Arborist shall prepare, and the Contractor shall implement, a Tree Protection Plan, for all trees that may be affected by any construction work, excavation or demolition activities, including without limitation, (1) on-site trees, (2) street trees, as defined below, (3) trees under NYCDPR jurisdiction as determined by the Department of Transportation, and (4) all trees that are located in proximity to the project site, as defined above. The Tree Protection Plan shall comply with the NYC DPR rules, regulations and specifications. The Contractor is referred to Chapter 5 of Title 56 of the Official Compilation of the Rules of the City of New York. Copies of the Tree Protection Plan shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer prior to the commencement of construction. Implementation of the Tree Protection Plan for street trees and trees under NYCDPRjurisdiction shall be in addition to any tree protection requirements specified or required for the project site. For the purpose of this article, a "street tree" means the following: (1) a tree that stands in a sidewalk, whether paved or unpaved, between the curb lines or lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines


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