Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01-DDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015




1 The Contractor shall post notices on all Construction Bulletin Boards advising workers, employees, and residents to call the Engineer's Field Office to report any infestation or outbreak of rodents, rats, mice, water beetles, roaches and fleas within the project area. The Contractor shall provide and distribute literature pertaining to 1PMtechniques of rodent control to affected businesses and superintendents of nearby residential buildings to ensure their participation in maintaining their establishments free of unsanitary conditions, harborage removal and rodent proofing. 2 Prior to application of any chemicals, the Contractor shall furnish to the Commissioner copies or sample labels for each pesticide, antidote information, and Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) for each chemical used. The Contractor shall keep a record of all rodent and waterbug infestation surveys conducted by him/her and make available, upon request, to the Commissioner. The findings of each survey shall include, but not be limited to, recommended Integrated Pest Management (1PM) techniques, like baiting, trapping, proofing, etc., proposed for rodent and waterbug pest control. 2. The Contractor shall maintain records of all locations baited along with the type and quantity of rodenticide and insecticide bait used. RECORDS 1. A. Plant Pest Control Requirements: The Contractor and its subcontractors, including the Certified Arborist described below, shall comply with all Federal and New York State laws and regulations concerning Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) management, including protocols for ALB eradication and containment promulgated by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM). The Contractor is referred to: (1) Part 139 of Title 1 NYCRR, Agriculture and Markets Law, Sections 18, 164 and 167, as amended, and (2) State Administrative Procedure Act, Section 202, as amended. 1. All tree work performed within the quarantine areas must be performed by New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) certified entities. Transportation of all host material, living, dead, cut or fallen, inclusive of nursery stock, logs, green lumber, stumps, roots, branches and debris of a half inch or more in diameter from the quarantine areas is prohibited unless the Contractor or its sub-contractor performing tree work has entered into a compliance agreement with NYSDAM. The terms of said compliance agreement shall be strictly complied with. Any host material so removed shall be delivered to a facility approved by NYSDAM. For the purpose of this contract host material shall be ALL species of trees. 2. Any host material that is infested with the Asian Longhorned Beetle must be immediately reported to NYSDAM for inspection and subsequent removal by either State or City contracts, at no cost to the Contractor. 3. Prior to commencement of tree work, the Contractor shall submit to the Commissioner a copy of a valid Asian Longhorned Beetle compliance agreement entered into with NYSDAM and the Contractor or its sub-contractor performing tree work. If any host material is transported from the quarantine area the Contractor shall immediately provide the Commissioner with a copy of the New York State 'Statement of Origin and Disposition' and a copy of the receipt issued by the NYSDAM approved facility to which the host materials are transported. G.


4. Quarantine areas, for the purpose of this contract shall be defined as all five boroughs of the City of New York. In addition, prior to the start of any tree work, the Contractor shall contact the


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