Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01- DOC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015


C. Design Consultant: "Design Consultant" shall mean the entity responsible for providing design services for the Project, including without limitation, preparing the construction documents (drawings and specifications) and providing services in connection with such documents during construction. The entity serving as the "Design Consultant" may be a corporation, firm, partnership, joint venture, individual or combination thereof. Such entity may be either an employee(s) of the City or an entity engaged by the City to provide such services.


Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel.

B. Reports: Submit reports of tests, inspections, meter readings and similar procedures for temporary use.


Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities and Services: The Contractor shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent facility and service during its use as a construction facility before Final Acceptance by the City, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. B. Install, operate, maintain and protect temporary facilities, services and controls. 1. Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in appearance. 2. Operate temporary services in a safe and efficient manner. 3. Relocate temporary services and facilities as needed as Work progresses. 4. Do not overload temporary services and facilities or permit them to interferewith progress. 5. Provide necessary fire prevention measures. 6. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous or unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on-site. The Contractor shall provide the temporary services, facilities and controls set forth in this Section during other than regular working hours if the Drawings and/or the Specifications indicate that the Work, or specific components thereof, must be performed during other than regular working hours. In such case, all costs for the provision of temporary services, facilities and controls during other than regular working hours shall be deemed included in the total Contract Price. B. The Contractor shall provide the temporary services, facilities and controls set forth in this Section during other than regular working hours if a change order is issued directing the Contractor to perform the Work, or specific components thereof, during other than regular working hours. In such case, compensation for the provision of temporary services, facilities and controls during other than regular working hours shall be provided through the change order. 1.7 NON-REGULARWORK HOURS (OVERTIME): A.


The Contractor shall provide the temporary services, facilities and controls set forth in this Section until the date on which it completes all required work at the site, including all punch list work, as certified in writing by the Resident Engineer, or earlier if so directed in writing by the Commissioner. The Contractor shall provide such temporary services, facilities and controls even if completion of all requiredwork at the site occurs after the time fixed for such completion in Schedule A.


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