REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

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From: Mock, Brian Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 11:09 AM To: Sean Cc: Andee ; Rose ; Corallo, Frank ; Taylor, Rick Subject: PBB Spearhead August Pay Req Sean, Since GFRG is being fabricated not stored or installed onsite, I cannot approve invoice for that line item. I can approve payment for stored material as long as I receive an invoice from Plasterform and  photos of fabricated material with signs on material clearly stating “Property of SWJV”. If we can get this information we can approve payment. Thank you, Brian P. Mock Assistant Project Manager

SKANSKA WALSH Design-Build Joint Venture LaGuardia Airport CTB Replacement Project Hangar 5A Runway Drive  Flushing, NY 11371

Mobile: (646) 891-9296 Direct: (718) 310-4615

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