REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Mission Task Leadership Staffing Spearhead brought experience by investing in senior, tenured talent to lead this project.

Decades of Experience

Sean Reed

Gary Miuccio

Mark Sowalski

Ainsworth Thomas

Project Manager • 18 yrs industry experience • Education: NYIT, BS Architectural Technology and Construction Management • Certifications: Building Systems, Design/Planning, Thermography, Energy Modeling, Army CQM • Spearhead Skills: Organization, documentation, negotiation and problem solving; crazy math skills and two green thumbs

Superintendent • 37 yrs veteran Carpenter – 3 rd Gen • Experience: 22 yrs as General Foreman, Component Assembly • Notable projects as GF: The Suites

Director, Business Development • 35 yrs veteran Carpenter – 2 nd Gen • Experience: Northeast Carpenters Union, President (two terms), Trustee and Financial Secretary, Delegate and Representative • Notable projects as Super: Crescent Hydro Damn, GE Co-Generation Projects Phases 1 & 2, GE Plastics • Spearhead Skills : Triage Bid Invites, labor relations, quick to “cover down,” Pied Piper effect

Foreman • 27 yrs veteran Carpenter • Education: Brooklyn College, Studied Architecture • Notable projects as Foreman: Guggenheim, US Open Tennis Facility, 220 Central Park South, MOMA • Athlete: Basketball Walk-on • Spearhead Skills : Experienced (21 yrs) layout, professional warmth, patience, booming laugh, celebrity chef sibling and World Class Table-Tennis Champion Spouse

at Four Seasons, 170 East End Avenue, 9/11 Museum, MOMA Residential

• Coaching: 16 yrs - Middle and High School Wrestling, numerous title wins • Athlete: Team Captain, 3yr Undefeated Wrestler, Hall of Fame • Spearhead Skills: Sees around mountains, exceptional recall, Pied Piper effect

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