REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Subcontract Number: 1213126J-000.620027 Vendor Number: 5107417 Project: 620-Concourse B & Bridges

2. Who could I speak with to request an accelerated payment schedule? As a Minority and Woman Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE), it would be incredibly helpful if SWJV could accelerate our payment schedule within two (2) weeks after submission. The reason I'm asking is because we recently submitted a payment requisition for a different contract against a December draw but will not receive payment until mid February (approximately 6 weeks after submission). The anticipated billing for our work at Pedestrian Bridge B will be substantial and carrying costs for six (6) weeks could put an unnecessary strain on our Small Business. Damond, are you aware of the person who is authorized to approve this type of request or how I might reach him/her? Would be great if Spearhead could have a discussion in advance of the bulk of our project. My goal is to be proactive and hopefully prevent additional work for both of us. Appreciate your guidance, Damond.

And have a great weekend!

Take care,


Andee Hidalgo Owner & President Spearhead Construction, LLC MBE | WBE | SDVOB | SDVOSB | PANYNJ | NYCSBS Ph: 917.834.3400

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