REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Meeting #11

Coordination: Deliverables/Equipment/Logistics No Meeting Origin Title


Due Date Priority





GRFG Substitution Mockup Old Description: Brian to send substitution email for LGP confirmation this week; Spearhead to submit official drawing as requested by HOK confirming each item that is gyp in lieu of GFRG Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/14/2019 - SWJV to send substitution confirmation from LGP. 4/29/2019 – Informal approval from LGP. SWJV to get confirmation. 4/9/2019 - Reviewed with LGP. Spearhead to submit follow up RFI regarding control joints between GRG and GFRC. 4/2/2019 – Mockup complete, Reviewing with LGP 4/9/2019 3/26/2019 - Spearhead will spackle and paint existing mockup. Mockup is located in Mockup room, see Zack Trause for access. 3/19/2019 - Mockup review with LGP was positive. LGP requested to see final finish on mockup. Spearhead will send finishers to perform work week of 3/25/19. Mockup has been relocated to LGP mockup room, please contact Zack Trause for access. 3/12/2019 - SWJV to get additional information/mockup requirements from LGP. No formal substitution request needed for DJV. See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes Sean Reed (Spearhead) 2/28/2019 High Open Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/21/2019 – Met with Doug from SWJV to discuss details, reference Coordination Matrix. Forthcoming info coming from Celtic. 5/14/2019 - Meeting scheduled with Celtic to work out details 4/29/2019 – Setting up meeting for week of 5/13/2019 4/9/2019 - Preliminary Shop Drawings received from Celtic. SWJV will send to Spearhead for review/comment. 4/2/2019 – Celtic producing preliminary drawings for review and comment by SWJV See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes Old Description: current Spearhead conex box will not be moving, no additional charges if not hooking up; SWJV provided cost for hookup if Spearhead looking to get another box with electricity; if more conex boxes become available, SWJV to notify Spearhead Previous Meeting Minutes: 5/14/2019 - Cost meeting upcoming, will request information on hookup costs . 4/29/2019 – SWJV to check on revised costs for hookups. 4/9/2019 - Re-Opened. Spearhead to look into using second box which could potential receive power. SWJV to send hookup cost. 4/2/2019 - CLOSED . See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes Site Requirements - Conex SWJV 3/5/2019 Medium Open Radiator Enclosure Mockup Doug Moore (SWJV) 3/15/2019 High Open Old Description: Celtic to advise date









Ongoing Low



Description: Sean Reed participating in DMS training for Demo team Previous Meeting Minutes:

4/2/2019 – Discussed site logistics for deliveries See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes



Fireproofing Coordination Old Description: SWJV meeting with Island on 5/29/19; will set up meeting with Spearhead and Island in potentially 2 weeks; SWJV and Spearhead to look further into bolt connections with SOFP to see if RFI for general condition allowing < 2” at these locations is acceptable in case Spearhead needs to scrape some off in the tight areas UPDATE 5/29/19 per meeting with Island: hanger depth is 6" from surface; so if attached to deck 6" from deck, if to steel 6" from BOS Gary Miuccio (Spearhead) 3/22/2019 Low Open


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