REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Meeting #10

Payment No Meeting Origin Title


Due Date Priority Status Old/New?



Payment Term (Billing Cycle) Brian Mock (SWJV)

3/5/2019 Medium Open Old

Description: Spearhead to discuss with contracts and accounting wording. Previous Meeting Minutes: 3/19/2019 - SWJV is following up with accounting to check on status See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes .

7.2 2

First Pay Req 4/1/2019 Medium Open Old Description: First pay req approved and retainage for SCO 001 (increased insurance costs) reduced to $0 and invoiced. Spearhead to revise pay req #2. Previous Meeting Minutes: 4/9/2019 - Spearhead will submit April draw. If billing for Plasterform release, need to provide invoice. 3/26/2019 - PBB Contract is setup on Textura and will be available for April Draw. Spearhead to verify they can see PBB contract and SOV on Textura. 3/19/2019 - Accounting to integrate SOV and open contract in Textura. SWJV to follow up on status. 3/12/2019 - Spearhead anticipates billing in April. Spearhead provided SOV edits to SWJV. Cost team has approved, with accounting for SOV integration into Textura. See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes SWJV/Spearhead


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