REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Meeting #10

Project Schedule No Meeting Origin Title


Due Date Priority Status Old/New?



Preliminary Schedule Review Brian Mock (SWJV) 3/31/2019 Medium Open Old Description: Need to coordinate interior framing and finishes with moving walk ways and elevator. Will work with Kone to provide information. Look into installation sequencing and alternatives such as leaving out glass handrail. Previous Meeting Minutes: 4/29/2019 – SWJV to get schedules for VT and MEP 4/9/2019 - Spearhead to update information when information becomes available regarding Plasterform/Corinthian scope. SWJV to provide information from Kone regarding installation. 3/26/2019 - Spearhead expressed concern over 12 week Vertical Transportation installation. Will need to investigate means for working in the area Kone will need. Spearhead looking at dance floor over escalator similar to HH ceiling. 3/19/2019 - SWJV to provide 6 week look ahead week of 3.15.2019. 3/12/2019 - Plasterform has indicated to Spearhead concerns meeting delivery dates starting in July. Spearhead to re-evaluate schedule

durations by 3/31/2019 after mock-up approved. See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes

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Spearhead Start Date

Brian Mock (SWJV)

2/28/2019 Medium Open Old

Description: SWJV now anticipating July Start date. Concrete pour scheduled for middle of June. Previous Meeting Minutes:

4/9/2019 - SWJV anticipating June start date 3/26/2019 - SWJV anticipating a June start date 3/19/2019 - SWJV anticipating concrete slab to be poured week of 5/6/2019. 3/12/2019 - SWJV to re-evaluate Spearhead start date based on de-shoring and metal decking dates. Will provide update 3/19/2019. See 4/2/2019 Meeting Minutes for Previous Notes


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