REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages
R E : LGA - R FI wor k po in t M o ck , B r ian < b r ian . m o ck @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > T u e 10/1/2019 2 50 PM T o : S ean < s ean @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >
C c : T r a us e , Z acha ry < z acha ry . tr a us e @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; B ilgen , M ur a t < m ur a t . bilgen @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; A ndee < andee @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; G a ry < G a ry @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; C or all o , F r ank < F r ank . C or all o @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > Sean, The critical work point for the slopped ceiling of the bridge between B1’ and B9’ occurs at the overhead coiling door at B5’. At B5’ the ceiling height from slab is 24’-6”. Use 24’-6” as a starting work point to set ceiling height and follow slope per design documents. Thank you,
Brian P. Mock (646) 891-9296
From: Sean
Cc: Trause, Zachary
As discussed during today's meeting, we are formally requesting information about the work point heights. These are currently shown on A36-52, work points at B1' - B9'. Our request would cover ALL work points we need for our ceilings, including the ones shown on the reflected ceiling plans.
Thank you, Sean Reed Project Manager Get Outlook for Android
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