Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
This Sub-Section sets forth the General Installation Procedure that shall apply to all electrical work and electrical equipment appearing in the Contract. (Refer to Sub-Section 1.4 DEFINITIONSfor terms used in this section) A. INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Drawings and Specifications are to be interpreted as a meahs of conveying the scope and intent of the work without giving every minor electrical detail. It is intended, nevertheless, that the Contractor shall provide whatever labor and materials are found necessary, within the scope of the Contract, for the successful operation of the installation. Specific details of individual installations are to be finally decided upon when the Contractor submits Working or Shop Drawings for approval to DDC. Whenever there are two (2) or more methods to complete project work within the Contract scope, the Commissioner reserves the right to choose that method which, in the Commissioner's opinion, will afford the most satisfactory performance, lasting qualities, and accessibility for repairs, even though this selection is the most costly. B. SCHEMATIC PLANS - APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS: Conduits and wiring are shown on the plans for diagrammatic purposes only. Therefore, conduit layouts may not necessarily give the actual physical route of the conduits. The Contractor who installs a conduit system will also be required, as part of the work, to furnish and install all hangers and pull-boxes, including any special pull-boxes found necessary to overcome interferences, and to facilitate the pulling of electrical cables. Similarly, the locations of equipment, appliances, outlets and other items shown on Contract Drawings are only approximate and are to be definitively established when equipment Shop Drawings are submitted and approved by DDC during construction. C. SLEEVES: required for conduits passing through walls or floors, shall be furnished and set by the Contractor installing the conduits. Sleeves in waterproofed floors shall be provided with flashing extending 12 inches in all directions from sleeve and secured to waterproofing. Flashing shall be turned down into space between pipe and sleeve and caulked watertight. Flashing shall be 20 oz. cold rolled copper. Sleeves shall be supplied with welded flanges similar to those supplied by the subcontractor for PlumbingWork and shall extend one (1) inch above finished floor. D. COORDINATION: The Contractor shall keep in close touch with the construction progress and obtain the necessary information for the accurate placement of its work in ample time before project construction operations obstruct its work. The Contractor is to consult all other Contract Drawings, as well as approved equipment Shop Drawings on file in the Resident Engineer's Field Office. This will aid in avoiding interferences, omissions and errors in the electrical installation. E. RESTORATION: If drilling or cutting is done on finished surfaces of equipment or the structure, any marring of the surface shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be held responsible for corrective restoration due to its cutting or drilling, and for any damage to the project or its contents caused by the Contractor or the Contractor's workers. If any piercing of waterproofing occurs because of the installation of the work, the Contractor shall restore the waterproofing, at its own expense, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. F. ELECTRICAL WORK AT SITE: The Contractor furnishing equipment consisting of a number of related electrical devices or appliances, mounted in a single enclosure, or on a common base, shall furnish this unit complete with internal wiring, connections, terminal boxes with copper connectors and/or lugs and ample electrical leads, ready for connection and operation. The cost of any wiring, re-wiring or other work required to be done on this unit in the field, shall be borne by the Contractor,,without additional cost to the City. G. COOPERATION AMONG SUBCONTRACTORS: Whenever an electrically operated unit or system involves the combined work of several subcontractors for its installation and successful operation, the
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