Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 - DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
A. NON-REGULARWORK HOURS: The Commissioner may issue a change order in accordancewith Article 25 of the Contract which (1) directs the Contractor to perform the Work, or specific components thereof, during other than regular work hours (i.e., evenings, weekends and holidays), and (2) provides compensation to the Contractor for costs in connection with the performance of Work during other than regular work hours. The Commissioner may issue a change order if a delay has occurred and such delay is not the fault of the Contractor, or if the work is of such an important nature that delay in completing such work would result in serious disadvantage to the public. B. PROCEDURE: The Contractor shall (1) obtain whatever permits may be required for performance of the work during other than regular business hours, and (2) pay all necessary fees in connection with such permits. In addition, if directed by the Commissioner, the Contractor shall make immediate application to the Commissioner of the Department of Labor, State of New York, for dispensation in accordancewith Subdivision 2 of Section 220 of the Labor Law. EVENING AND WEEKEND WORK - Where performance of the Work requires the temporary shutdown(s) of services, such shutdown(s) shall be made at night or on weekends or at such times that will cause no interference with the established routines and operations of the facility in question. 1 Where weekend or evening work is required due to unavoidable service shutdowns, such work shall be performed at no extra cost to the City. Components of the Work that must be performed during other than regular work hours are indicated in the Drawings and/or the Specifications. INTERRUPTIONOF EXISTINGFACILITIES: 1 The Contractor shall not interrupt any of the services of the facility nor interfere with such services in any way without the permission of the Commissioner. Such interruption or interferences shall be made as brief as possible, and only at such time stated. 2 Under no circumstances shall the Contractor, its subcontractors, or its workers, be permitted to use any part of the project as a shop, without the permission of the Commissioner. 3 Unnecessary noise shall be avoided at all times and necessary noise shall be reduced to a minimum. 4 Toilet facilities, water and electricity must be operational at all times (i.e. 24/7). No services of the facility can be interrupted in any way without the permission of the Commissioner. Careful coordination of all work with the Resident Engineer must be done to maintain the operational level of the project personnel at the facility. 5 The Contractor shall schedule the work to avoid noise interference that will affect the normal functions of the facility. In particular, construction operations producing noises that are objectionable to the functions of the facility must be scheduled at times of day or night, day of the week, or weekend, which will not interfere with personnel at the facility. Any additional cost resulting from this scheduling shall be borne by the Contractor. B.
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