Flushing Library Contract eBook

Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Acoustical Ceilings Scope of Work Removal of Ceilings (Wood & ACT)

Frame in elevator shaft Reconfigure temp partitions complete Temp Partitions Complete - past due Temp Partitions @ stair Complete Project Milestones Submittal date past due prior to contract

Date 27-Sep-2021 9-Dec-2021 10-Jan-2022 6-Jun-2022 10-Oct-2022 12-Dec-2022 22-Dec-2022 20-Jan-2023

Wall Partitions Sheathing

Remove temp partions complete Finish work (start Sept 2022)

Specialty Ceilings Doors and Frames Gypsum Celings Subcontractors Enter Scope of Work Enter Scope of Work

Substantial completion


Building Access

Enter Name Enter Name

1 2

Badges SWAC

Effective Labor Rate at Bid




Carpenters Finishers

Specifications at Bid VOLS 1-3

Drawings Received at Bid Bid Drawings Bid Drawings - SR Updated





26-May-2021 10-Aug-2021

Addenda Received at Bid

GC Point of Contact

Date 21-Nov-2019 Name 29-Nov-2019 Address Phone Cell

Addendum 1 Addendum 2

Stavros Karanikolas 2125 Mill Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11234 347.462.4000


Email Other

Important Notes

Extra Work Markup for Overhead: 10/12 OH and 5 profit is specific to extra work see paragraph 26 in Vol 2 Pencil Reqs Due: Not mentioned, we are going to submit on 25th PIN: 85010B0098 Final Payment to SPCX: Refer to GC Article 45 (30 days voucher certification + 30 days to final payment) Reduce Retainage Amount: Base bid - hold 10%, drop to 5% at substantial completion. Temp Barricade: hold 5%, drop to 2.5% at substatial completion. Extra Work Markup for Overhead: 7.25 OH and 7.25 profit is specific to delays see 11.7 in Vol 2

This is project summary is for internal use only. This may not be distributed to others without prior authorization.

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