Flushing Library Contract eBook
Division 01 -DDC STANDARDGENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015
-3,,w _ ,,,'".,'""""' o, DESIGN + CONSTRUCTION
H. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed work are not indicated, arrange joints for the best visual effect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairlinejoints. I. Hazardous Materials: Use products, cleaners, and installation materials that are not considered hazardous.
3.10 PERMITS: A.
The Contractor shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations affecting the Work of this Project, including, without limitation, (1) obtaining all necessary permits for the performance of the Work prior to commencement thereof, and (2) complying with all requirements for the disposal of demolition and/or construction debris, waste, etc., including disposal in City landfills. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs in connection with such regulatory compliance, unless otherwise specified in the Contract.
Availability: It shall be the duty of the Contractor to determine the availability of transportation facilities and dockage for the use of its employees, equipment and material and the conditions under which such use will be permitted. B. Costs: If transportation facilities and dockage are available and are permitted to be used by the governmental agency having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall pay all necessary costs and expenses, and abide by all rules and regulations promulgated in connection therewith. C. Vehicles: With respect to the use of vehicles on highways and bridges, the Contractor's attention is directed to the limitations set forth in the Rules of the City of NewYork, Title 34, Chapter 4, Section 4-15. D. Continued Use: It is understood that the Commissioner makes no warranty as to the continued use by the Contractor of such facilities. Coordinate with Progress Schedule: The Contractor shall promptly furnish and install conduits, outlets, piping sleeves, boxes, inserts and all other materials and equipment that is to be built into the work in conformity with the requirements of the project. 8. Cooperation of Subcontractors:All subcontractors shall fully cooperate with each other in connection with the performance of the above work as "cutting in" new work is neither contemplated nor will it be tolerated. C. Timeliness: In the event that timely delivery of sleeves and other materials cannot be made, and to avoid delay, the Contractor may arrange to have boxes or other forms set at the locations where the piping or other material is to pass through or into the slabs, walls or other work. Upon the subsequent installation of the sleeves or other material, the Contractor shall fill around them with materials as required by the Contract. The necessary expenditures incurred for the boxing out and filling in shall be borne by the Contractor. D. Inserts: The Contractor is to install strip inserts four (4) foot on center and perpendicular to beams in ceiling slabs of boiler, machine and mechanical equipment rooms. Inserts are to be installed for strippable concrete slabs only. REFER TO THE ADDENDUM FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF SUB-SECTION 3.12
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