Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01 - DDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITION SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015

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11. Notify appropriate parties, including but not limited to the Resident Engineer, site safety coordinator / monitor, site safety consultant, scaffold users, contractor and the scaffold engineer, of misuses, non-conformances, hazards and accidents. 12. Keep a log of significant actions and events connected with the scaffolding. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for erecting, maintaining and dismantling the scaffolding and/or sidewalk shed in conformance with requirements of the New York City Building Code, OSHA and the Contract documents, including the specifications. The Contractor shall also be guided by generally accepted standards of scaffold industry practice as promulgated by the Scaffold Industry Association. C. The Contractor shall require the subcontractor responsible for erecting the scaffolding to engage a Scaffold Engineer, licensed as a professional engineer by the State of New York. The Scaffold Engineer shall be responsible to ensure the following: (1) that the installation design is in compliance with requirements of the New York City Building Code and OSHA, (2) that the design comports with the capabilities of the components and the characteristics of the site, (3) that scaffold loads on the host building, including netting, have been properly considered, and (4) that the design documents provide accurate information for erectors and users. D. Scaffold users are trade contractors assigned to work on the scaffold. Training certificates from a New York City Department of Buildings approved training provider are mandatory. These users have the duty to become familiar with the New York City Building Code and OSHA requirements germane to users, to obey the instructions of the Jobsite Safety Coordinator and to inform the Jobsite Safety Coordinator of known hazards, non-conformances or violations. NYC Department of Buildings permit(s) for scaffold and sidewalk sheds (as applicable) including filing applications signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York; 8. Site logistics plan / site safety plan; C. Installation drawing(s), design and product data to be provided for all scaffold(s) and shed(s) must include, at a minimum: 1. Plan(s); 2. Elevation(s); 3. Duty load designation; "standard" (150 psf live load) or "heavy duty" (300 psf live load). 4. Details including base support, anchors and ties; 5. Notes and specifications including load limits, number of planked levels, tie spacing, netting, and sequence of installation and removal. 6. Anchorage into sound material. 7. Load limits based on pull tests; 8. Specifications for pull test(s), method, proof load and the number of trials; 9. Elevations, levels or heights, where anchorage is made into masonry; 10. Specifications for frames, planks, screw jacks, anchors, and any other ancillary hardware; 11. Samples for anchors, ties and netting; 12. Sequence of operations for erection and demolition; 13. Location plan, heights, widths, "jumps" over doorways and driveways; 14. Specify size, maximum span and maximum spacing of headers and stringers; 15. Specify legs, girts, braces, nailing and connections; 16. All sidewalk sheds shall be designed, engineered, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York; a. Generic (not job specific) engineering drawings are satisfactory for standard sheds and arrangements. The Contractor shall prepare, obtain and submit the following·to the Resident Engineer: A.



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