Flushing Library Contract eBook

Division 01- DOC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS SINGLE CONTRACT PROJECTS Issue Date June 01, 2013 Revised - January 15, 2015

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other than the point of manufacture, or the Commissionerwill notify the Contractor that inspectionwill be waived. I. No Shipping Before Inspection: The Contractor shall comply with the foregoing before shipping any material. J. Certificate of Manufacture: When the Commissioner so requires, the Contractor shall furnish to the Commissioner authoritative evidence in the form of Certificates of Manufacture that the materials to be used in the work have been manufactured and tested in conformity With the Specifications. These certificates shall include copies of the results of physical tests and chemical analyses where necessary, that have been made directly on the product, or on similar products being fabricated by the manufacturer. This may include such approvals as B.S.A., M.E.A., B.E.C. Advisory Board, etc. K. Acceptance:When materials or manufactured products shall comprise such quantity that it is not practical to make physical tests or chemical analyses directly on the product furnished, a certificate stating the results of such tests or analyses of similar materials which were concurrently produced may, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be considered as the basis for the acceptance of such material or manufactured product. L. Testing Compliance: The testing personnel shall make the necessary inspections and tests, and the reports thereof shall be in such form as will facilitate checking to determine compliance with the Specifications, indicating thereon all analyses and/or test data and interpreted results thereof. M. Reports: Six (6) copies of the reports shall be submitted and authoritative certification thereof must be furnished to the Commissioner as a prerequisitefor the acceptance of any material or equipment. N. Rejections: If, in making any test, it is ascertained by the Commissioner that the material or equipment does not comply with the Specifications, the Contractor will be notified thereof, and will be directed to refrain from delivering said materials or equipment, or to promptly remove it from the site or from the work and replace it with acceptable material at no additional cost to the City. 0. Furnish Designated Materials: Upon rejection of any material or equipment submitted as the equivalent of that specifically named in the Specifications, the Contractor shall immediately proceed to furnish the designatedmaterial or equipment. Local Laws: All materials, appliances and types or methods of construction shall be in accordance with the Specifications and shall in no event be less than that necessary to conform to the requirements of the NewYork City ConstructionCodes, Administrative Code and Charter of the City of NewYork. B. Approval of Manufacturer: The names of proposed manufacturers, material suppliers, and dealers who are to furnish materials, fixtures, equipment, appliances or other fittings shall be submitted to the Commissioner for approval, as early as possible, to afford proper review and analysis. No manufacturer will be approved for any materials to be furnished under the Contract unless it shall have a plant of ample capacity and shall have successfully produced similar products. All approvals of materials or equipment that are legally required by the New York City Construction Codes and other governing Authorities must be obtained prior to installation. C. All Materials: Fixtures, fittings, supplies and equipment furnished under the Contract shall be new and unused, except as approved by the Commissioner, and of standard first-grade quality and of the best workmanship and design. The City of New York encourages the use of recycled products where practical. D. INFORMATIONTO SUPPLIERS - In asking for prices on materials under any item of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide the manufacturer or dealer with such complete information from the



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