Final Combined Book v.4.0 test
September (2 bills, 2 shipments) * First shipment is going out 9/13 and every shipment is 2 weeks after that.
October (2 bills, 2 shipments) November (2 bills, 2 shipments) December (2 bills, 2 shipments) January (last shipment) Thank you in advance, Sean Reed Project Manager Spearhead Construction, LLC MBE | WBE | SDVOB | SDVOSB | PANYNJ | NYCSBS Ph: 631.793.7422
The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution, dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly proh bited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately reply to the sender and then destroy this message. From: Mock, Brian
Cc: Trause, Zachary
D o e s n ΚΌ t ha v e in vo ice am ou n t . W ha t you bill f or ha s to ma t ch in vo ice f ro m P la st e r f or m s ince t he r e i s n o p h ys ical ma t e r ial pro d u ced . P a y ing m o ne y w i t h n o fab r ica t ed ma t e r ial ( p a y ing f or stor ed ma t e r ial wou ld make i t prop e rty o f SW J V ), i s a s ignifican t r i s k . I n or de r to a ss e ss r i s k and a ss i st in t imel y p a y men ts w e wou ld need to kn ow w ha t p la st e r f or m i s r e qu e st ing a t t hi s t ime . P lea s e r em ov e r edac t ed in vo ice am ou n t and r e s end .
T hank s ,
B r ian M o ck (646) 891-9296
S en t f ro m m y i P h o ne
O n A u g 27, 2019, a t 4 04 PM , S ean < s ean @ sp ea r headc x . c o m > wrot e :
[External Email] Brian,
As discussed at today's meeting, I have attached the copy of the invoice from Plasterform. The invoice, photos (link below) and physical confirmation by your Walsh counterpart should be enough to allow us to bill this in our 9/1 - 9/15 requisition. Please confirm. Thank you,
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