Final Combined Book v.4.0 test
S p ea r head D i s c uss i o n - T u e s , 2 O c t 19 A ndee < andee @ sp ea r headc x . c o m > F r i 10/4/2019 4 35 PM T o : C or all o , F r ank < F r ank . C or all o @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > Dear Frank,
I wanted to circle back to share that I'm glad we were able to discuss a few open items, privately, on Tuesday. I also appreciate the solution you provided for storing fabricated Plasterform materials in a Skanska facility in New Jersey. Didn't want to close out the week without acknowledging the seriousness of our conversation as well as the win-win solution for storing Plasterform materials. Thank you. Have a nice weekend, Frank. Take care, -Andee Andee Hidalgo Owner & President Spearhead Construction, LLC MBE | WBE | SDVOB | SDVOSB | PANYNJ | NYCSBS Ph: 917.834.3400 The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution, dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately reply to the sender and then destroy this message.
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