Final Combined Book v.4.0 test

R E : S p ea r head P ot en t ial N igh t W or k C or all o , F r ank < F r ank . C or all o @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > F r i 9/13/2019 4 06 PM T o : A ndee < andee @ sp ea r headc x . c o m > C c : D o lan , J o hn < j o hn . d o lan @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; M o ck , B r ian < b r ian . m o ck @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; S ean < s ean @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; G a ry < G a ry @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; T r a us e , Z acha ry < z acha ry . tr a us e @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; Z ach < z ach @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; R os e < ros e @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; C han , E r ic < E r ic . C han @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > From: Andee Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:19 PM To: Corallo, Frank Cc: Dolan, John ; Mock, Brian ; Sean ; Gary ; Trause, Zachary ; Zach ; Rose Subject: Spearhead Potential Night Work [External Email] We'd like to discuss the possibility of working 2nd shift for two reasons: 1) to alleviate some of the congestion for our deliveries/work areas, and 2) have Kamco boom materials. Andee, working the 2 nd shift for Spearhead is not necessary at this time, however we can collectively discuss this further when timing permits. Kamco Boom lift, will require a licensed Local 14 operator, certified signalman & qualified rigger along with necessary construction C license per DOB regulations . An approved plan layout that will need Approval. We can further this discussion if this how you plan to proceed. With all trades trying to get materials to level 4, we recently lost 3 hours waiting for our materials to get boomed up. Andee, no given time, was there lost time on the day your referring to, which happen to be another trade’s worker that was hurt. I personnel witnessed your team continuing to work, on level 3 without delay. Additionally, when we submitted our proposal, we assumed that Kamco would be able to boom our materials directly to Level 4 (or the landing pad). As we all learned, the Operating Engineers will not allow Kamco teamsters to boom from their truck. Perhaps this will be less of an issue during a 2nd shift or night deliveries. Worth a shot. Andee, SWJV was not included in any discussion between Spearhead and your supplier, nor are we required. What has been relayed to SWJV by Spearhead was use of the Magni consistent throughout the start of project. SWJV based on Spearhead request, SWJV provided use of the Magni to all subcontractors as long as it was properly scheduled with SWJV superintendent. Can you please advise if this is acceptable so that we can make an internal decision on how best to proceed? Appreciate it. Dear Frank,

Have a nice weekend, Frank.

Take care,


Andee Hidalgo Owner & President

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